What's The Well like?
Nobody will ask you to do anything embarrassing or weird.
Whether you’re married or single, young or old, with our without kids, a fellow believer in Christ or just curious, you are welcome. We are friendly people and we keep the environment casual – so go ahead, ask us to show you around, and help yourself to another treat from the coffee bar and refill your cup. Then have a seat and experience our creative, yet challenging messages and tasteful use of the arts and music. And for kids, we offer fun, age-appropriate children’s programs and plenty of ways to get involved at your own pace.
Where can I Park?
The Well is a growing community so if you can't find a spot feel free to park on the street next to the church. If you have kids, try to arrive about 15 minutes early to provide enough time to check them into the Aqua Zone, a special service just for kids. Learn more here.

At The Well, we love to worship our Lord. We choose to express our love, trust and commitment to Jesus through elements like these:
Praise & Worship Music
engaging in corporate worship with our church family & friends inspires us to open our hearts to God
just as Jesus outlines in the Bible, we encourage those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior to publicly recognize their new life in Him
we practice communion often as a sober reminder of the great sacrifice Jesus made on our behalf
those of us who consider The Well “home” trust God with our finances by prayerfully giving. At The Well, we consider it our privilege and priority to honor God with all that we have to offer.
This encompasses the reason we gather together and we look forward to worshiping with you.

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God - this is your true and proper worship.
Romans 12:1