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History & Vision

It has been said that “without vision people perish.” The inverse is also true – without people, visions perish.

The Well started as an idea in 2005, when  a group of dreamers sat down together and tried to imagine what Church could be like if they could step in and help.  What if there was a community of people “head-over-heels in love with Jesus”? A place where people could come as they were, but know that they would be challenged to be all God created them to be.  A place where people didn’t just go to church on Sundays, but became the church Monday through Saturday.  An environment where heads, hearts, and hands were all equally important when defining spiritual maturity.  A place with an ethos of diversity, both racially and generationally.  A place without denominational borders.  A space where the word “intense” means that we are just as focused on the legacy of the past as we are the creativity of the future.  A pilgrimage of people who live with the tension of grace and truth, faith and doubt, morality and frailty.


We are not all of these things, but we strive to make them so.


The Well sprang from idea to reality on March 19, 2006 as 12 people got together in a living room and worshiped.  For the first time, that room was truly alive.  Heaven kissed earth, the secular became sacred, and those 12 friends became a church.  After a few short months, The Well moved into a school, and in 2009 we moved into our own building.


At the Well, we are not hung-up on the so-called ABC’s of success, “attendance, buildings and cash.”  Rather, we define success as keeping in step with God’s lead as we breathe life, beauty and peace into those around us.


If we were to find the bulls-eye of our ministry, we would have to borrow Paul’s words when he so brilliantly said, “He is the one we proclaim, admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so that we may present everyone fully mature in Christ.  To this end I strenuously contend with all the energy Christ so powerfully works in me.”
(Colossians 1:28-29)

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